
Traditional Funeral

Traditional Funeral

The following is a list of choices which represent the cost of our services. They may or may not include the casket or container required for visitation or viewing, burial, entombment or cremation.

You are in no way limited to these service options. You may itemize services in order to select only those which are right for you.

Standard Funeral Service Package



This package includes, and is limited to the following: Removal of remains within a 25 mile radius, embalming, complete service of funeral director and staff including supervision during visitation and funeral services, securing vital statistics, coordination of death notices and obituaries, coordination with those providing other portions of the funeral service (e.g. cemetery, church, etc.) assistance with forms and benefit claims, 1 copy of memorial video tribute, use of facilities for up to one day of visitation (4 hours each day), hearse, utility car, clergy/lead car, and limousine. Stationary products and religious items are priced on an individual basis at an additional charge to this package.

* Autopsy, Allograft or Organ Donation, Over 400# up to an additional $300

Plan Ahead Online

Discount Funeral Package



This package includes, and is limited to the following, Removal of remains within a 25 mile radius, embalming, service of funeral director and staff during visitation (1 hour prior to funeral service on same day.), securing vital statistics, coordination of death notices and obituaries, coordination with those providing other portions of the funeral service (e.g. cemetery, clergy, etc.) assistance with forms and benefit claims, utility car, transportation of deceased to cemetery by funeral director only. Stationary products and religious items not included in this package. These items can be purchased for an additional charge.

* Additional visitation available at $200 each additional hour or portion thereof
* Autopsy, Allograft or Organ Donation, Over 400# additional $300 only.

Plan Ahead Online

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